About Me


About Me
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery Structures


Welcome to my Web site!

    Hello, my name is Dee, and I am Cookie's friend.  Actually, I am Cookie's human friend.  There are lots of critters I call my friends, and will introduce them to you on these pages.  Horses, dogs, cats, snakes, birds, and assorted wild creatures have been in my life.  Their personalities have a lot to offer; and, more often than not, remind me of my human friends. 

    Cookie is actually named after my first dog, and belongs to my brother, Mike.  As you can tell from her photo, she has much to say about life in her own little way!  Though I think she thinks I have caught her on a bad hair day, I beg to differ.  She has very pretty salt and pepper fur, don't you think?



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This site was last updated 07/05/08